The big question is, what can global warming do? Scientists say that the warming has gone down but that doesn’t explain the bizarre temperature changes. For one thing, the ten hottest years we have seen started in 1973 and the temperatures have been climbing ever since. Alaska is slowly but surely melting away and causing massive flood problems. Sea levels could increase by 0.9-0.88 meters in the next century from melting glaciers and unexpected rise in water height. Scientists say that plants could grow in Antarctica because of global warming! Can you believe that?! This is really making me think seriously about global warming. Research in June 2006 says that the Earth has reached its hottest point since 400 years ago. Average global temperatures could rise 10 degrees by the end of the 21st century. Scientists believe that a rise in temperatures may lead to a change in predictions and weather problems, which could cause warmer oceans and lead to more frequent hurricanes and tropical storms. This website says that in 2002 global warming caused the worst wildfires anyone has ever seen in Colorado, Arizona, and Oregon. Also, in the same year, drought has caused major dust storms in Montana, Kansas, and Colorado, and floods that have caused hundreds of million dollars in damage in Texas, Montana, and North Dakota. In conclusion that’s what global warming can do, but is this the end?